The integration of intellectual property protection into the global trading system, then known as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), was inextricably linked to the role of the United States, which proposed negotiating aspects of intellectual property rights related to trade. In addition, the European Community also proposes guidelines and objectives. India is one of the countries opposed to the proposals of these countries which strongly oppose the idea of including the protection of intellectual property rights. However, after a debate between developing and industrialized countries, the winner is most interested in protecting his works, namely developed countries. The ON TRIPS agreement is not a specific rule for the protection of intellectual property rights. The ON TRIPS agreement is part of the WTO agreement signed by its member states, which obliges all Member States to adopt rules on intellectual property rights in their respective countries. Can TRIPS be used to preserve the protection of all intellectual property rights and rights that we have created (for all: brand, patent, industrial design, integrated circuit design, trade secrets, copyright and protection of plant varieties)? Or does everyone have another base? Thank you. Therefore, in light of your questions, we can clarify that the TRIPS agreement does not protect intellectual property rights at the international level. In the international field, each area of intellectual property rights has its own international conventions, as they develop over time. In the area of copyright, for example, certain international conventions apply to signatory states: Uruguay`s 8th round led participating countries to reach an agreement on international trade. At the meeting, a multilateral agreement called the WTO agreement was reached. The participating countries signed the final act on the outcome of the Uruguay Round multilateral trade negotiations in 1994 in Marrakesh, Morocco.
By signing the final act, the signatory states agree to sign the WTO agreement (World Trade Agreement) and its annexes. The intellectual property rights provisions are contained in Appendix 1C of the WTO Agreement, the Agreement on Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Affecting Trade (Member Agreement). The TRIPS agreement came into force in 1995. The transition period applies to developing countries that must apply no later than four years later or in 2000, while underdeveloped countries are granted a deadline no later than early 2006. When we answer your question, we feel the need to explain a little bit about the history of the birth of TRIPS or the commercial aspects of intellectual property rights. The TRIPS agreement is a result of the ADPIC and has also adopted two major international agreements in the field of industrial property and copyright, namely the Paris Convention on the Protection of Industrial Property and the Bern Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. The consequences of the victory of developed countries in the URUGUAY Round GATT negotiations on intellectual property rights have highlighted the inclusion of the concept of ownership and ownership of Western countries in developing countries, including Indonesia.