The objectives of the ASSOCIATION agreements ENTRE the EU and the EEC are very different and have changed a lot in the past: for Greece, the 1961 Association Agreement foreshadowed EU membership in 1981. The agreement aimed to bring the country closer to the EU economically. The agreements with Malta and Cyprus were concluded in the early 1970s and initially aimed at a customs union. In retrospect, it is clear that they facilitated the subsequent accession of the two countries. An association agreement is an international agreement between the European Union or the European Economic Community (EEC) and a third country. By concluding this agreement, the two sides are creating a particular type of relationship and a basis for cooperation. However, the content and objectives differ from agreement to agreement. Particularly close economic cooperation with the aim of creating largely unlimited trade between participating countries and removing restrictions on the movement of goods is a common essential aspect of the special reciprocal status created by the agreement. However, agreements may also include cooperation on labour and social issues, as well as rules on political dialogue.
The EU has trade agreements with these countries/regions, but both sides are now negotiating an update. 16 It should be recalled that the basis of the Association Agreement with the United Kingdom was the general mandate for coal and steel negotiations with third countries, in particular the United Kingdom, in Section 14 of the ECSC agreement with transitional provisions, which no longer exists. 13 The details of this association include, in addition to Articles 131 to 136 of the EEC Treaty, the agreement to association overseas countries and territories with the Community of Overseas Countries and Territories, signed on 25 March 1957 and annexed to the EEC Treaty. In recent history, these agreements have been signed within the framework of two EU policies: the Stabilisation and Association Process (SAp) and the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). Please list all the fees and grants of, Employment, advice, shared co-ownership or any close relationship with an organization whose interests may be affected by the publication of the response. Please also list all non-financial associations or interests (personal, professional, political, institutional, religious or other) that a reasonable reader wishes to know about the work submitted. This applies to all the authors of the play, their spouses or partners. 10 In particular, financial aid companies.
The extent of the agreements will manifest itself later, when their details are discussed.